Blog Post

Fairtrade Fortnight

James Marinos • Feb 02, 2022

The Fairtrade Foundation | Fairtrade Fortnight | 21 February to 6 March 2022

Every year The Fairtrade Foundation rallies thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK to share the stories of the people who grow our food and drinks who are exploited and underpaid. 

Last year’s Fairtrade Fortnight saw campaigners, shoppers, students and businesses come together in a show of support for the farmers behind our food on the front line of the climate crisis. 


Fairtrade is about social, economic and environmental justice. These are built into the very foundations of Fairtrade product standards and drive everything we do. More money in the hands of farmers is needed if they are to adapt and survive the climate crisis, and choosing Fairtrade fights for improvements in producers’ livelihoods with collective strength through co-ops and their bargaining power, the protection of a Minimum Price and Fairtrade Premiums. 

In 2019, The Fairtrade Foundation also launched an ambitious new living incomes campaign to lead the way to a sustainable future for cocoa farmers. A living income would provide farmers with a decent standard of living – enough to cover all their cocoa farming costs and enough to cover their basic human rights, like a nutritious diet, children’s education and healthcare. Only when they have met these basic needs can they start to meet the challenges of our changing climate. 


We need to be louder and more discerning than ever with our product choices to ensure government and businesses turn to support Fairtrade if we are to secure the protection of workers’ rights and the climate crisis. This is why Kokebi Coffee we have already made the switch to offer a wide range of Fairtrade coffees, including our triple certified blends boasting Organic, Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade accreditation.

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You have the power to be a part of the Fairtrade movement, and to drive long-term change, not only with your shopping choices but with your support in spreading the message! You can start today by simply switching to a Fairtrade approved brand of coffee like ours as well as:

  • Reach out to other local groups to share the Fairtrade message.
  • You can now order new posters and an explainer leaflet on Fairtrade and the climate crisis to help spread the word in your local community here.
  • Choose only Fairtrade products including approved coffee and tea.
  • Share this story below on social to help raise awareness using: #FairtradeFortnight

08 Dec, 2022
Beans stay fresher for longer, and so your coffee should taste better, too. As soon as green coffee beans are roasted, they start to release CO2, which affects the taste. They will oxidise and slowly start to go 'stale' and have a flat taste after a while. When coffee is ground, there is a higher surface area which is exposed to oxygen and that will cause them to lose their freshness faster, so it's best to keep coffee beans whole as close to brewing as possible. Treat your coffee beans similarly to potatoes: store them in a dark, dry place. It's best they are kept in a container or the bag they come in to stop oxygen and moisture getting in.
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