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Kokebi Coffee and Walnut Cake Recipe

James Marinos • Jan 22, 2021

Kokebi Coffee and Walnut Cake Recipe

Kokebi Coffee and Walnut Cake Recipe
Here it is, one of our most decadent creations yet… The Kokebi Coffee and walnut cake! Throw the diet book out, the detox is over and I would err on the side of caution if you have an aversion to sugar, as this is a treat for those with a sweet tooth!

The basis of this coffee and walnut cake is a simple Victoria sponge, but with added coffee and walnuts to the mix. We have chosen to make this with our Intenso coffee blend as its rich smooth flavour goes further without having to water down your cake mix.

This coffee and walnut cake recipe can be enjoyed with coffee, tea, a lunch time ‘pick me up’ or an after-dinner dessert to be enjoyed with, or without friends!

So, if we have enticed your tastebuds or even just your curiosity, wait no further as here is the recipe to make your very own from home.


The cake
Eggs x 3 (Use duck eggs if available – these make a better cake!) - Approx 180g
Caster sugar – Approx 180g
Self raising flower – Approx 190g
Unsalted butter – Approx 180g
Walnuts – Approx 80g (add to taste/eye)
Baking powder – 1 Teaspoon

The coffee
Kokebi Intenso coffee 

Butter Icing
500g Icing sugar
250g Unsalted butter
Intenso coffee



First things first. Make a fresh Cafetière of Intenso coffee and leave it to chill. Pouring the coffee into a cup will help it cool faster than leaving it in the Cafetière. Be sure it has cooled first as we will be adding this to both the butter icing and cake mix. Adding it hot will scramble the eggs in your cake mix and spoil the icing.

While waiting for it to cool, set your oven to 180 degrees for the cake.


Take a large bowl, one large enough to get all of the cake mix in and with space enough to whisk the ingredients. Crack in the three eggs, butter, sugar and dust in the flour through a sieve and whisk thoroughly! After a few minutes you will see that the cake mix is thick and gloopy, you may wish to take a spatula to the sides of the bowl to gather in some of the escaping mix from the sides. 

Your coffee should now be cool, or at least ensure that it is before adding approximately half of what you have in the cup to the cake mix. I haven’t a set rule on this, but add it slowly! You do NOT want your cake mix to go runny, so take it easy and be sure to add it while whisking to get the measure of the consistency. If you think you have added to much, dust in a little more flour to bring back a thick consistency.

When you are happy with the consistency, drop in all of the walnuts, keeping a few to decorate the top of the cake and stir them in more or less whole. You can of course break them down with your fingertips a little, depending on your texture preference. Just don’t whisk them in, stir!

Take a cake/baking dish and pour in the cake mix, you may wish to grease the sides of it first with butter or even grease proof paper to make removing the finished product easier. Now pop it in the oven for approx. 40 mins.

You can check on the cake while in the oven, but don’t open the oven door for at least the first 30 minutes, as this can make the middle of your cake collapse!

TOP TIP: Your cake is ready when it is turning to a golden brown, but a true tell is gently pressing your finger into the top of the sponge and the cake bouncing back. A little like how it would with a loaf of bread.


While your cake is baking, you can crack on with that butter icing. However before you cover your cake with it, ensure your beautiful sponge has cooled, otherwise it will go greasy and melt the icing.

For a cake the size we are making, this measure of icing covers your cake to an almost 50/50 ratio, if you prefer a thinner spread of icing, just half this recipe.

Take a bowl and drop in the butter, sift in the icing sugar while slowly adding the rest of the coffee a little at a time so as not to not get runny. You can use the whisk again to do this as it can be a little laborious with a spoon! 

It’s as simple as that, set your decadent butter icing to one side.


Your cake should now be done, remove it from the oven and the baking tray – Use oven mitts, its hot! Place it on a cooling rack to get it down to room temperature.

As soon as its cooled, spread on the butter icing with your spatula and decorate the coffee and walnut cake to your taste with any extra walnuts.

You’re done! Get out the plates, a cup of Kokebi Coffee and enjoy!

Make your Kokebi Coffee and walnut cake just like us and get your Intenso coffee delivered by adding to your shopping cart HERE.

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